Any data element to be read and mapped from source XML’s into JDEdwards need to be created as attribute in the correct UDC.
Header Attributes
All attributes used in document headers are maintained in UDC Q46|IH.
Detail Attributes
All attributes used in document details are maintained in UDC Q46|ID. Detail attributes can be repetitive for each invoice line (for instance Taxable Amount) or non-repetitive (for instance Purchase Order Number).
Composite Attributes
Composite attributes are attributes that undergo specific logic after being loaded and mapped. An example is the lookup of a JD EDwards vendor numbers based on an external vendor identifier found in an inbound XML invoice. These are stored in the Composite Attribute UDC as well, Q46|IC.
Composite Attribute Lookup Tables
Composite attributes may use any data present in JD Edwards for validation and enriching of data elements. Tables used need to be setup and present in UDC Q46|IT