Modules are the basic workflows, screens or programs as defined and published through the Appshare platform.
Work with Modules
All modules available in Appshare are available in the module list. The indicator at the beginning of each line indicates whether a module is publicly available or not.
Using the Plus icon, more modules can be added to the list.
Module Parameters
Every module can have several parameters associated with it. The maintain parameter screen allows to add and maintain the global parameter value for each module.
Use the plus icon to add parameters and maintain the values in the list.
Module Language
very module contains the translations required to run the app in any local language. The language for each logon into Appshare is primarily governed by the associates setting in the user profile in JD Edwards but can be overridden.
Using the hamburger menu, the languages can be downloaded into Excel for easier maintenance.
Module Release Notes
For each module, release notes can be maintained using the last button in the module overview.
All new modules and changed modules will automatically receive a line in the release notes, but more descriptive text can be added here when required.