The following table lists all Version Workbench objects as they are delivered with version 3.5
Nr. | Type | Object | Description |
1 | APPL | PQ46VW00 | Version Workbench |
2 | APPL | PQ46VW01 | General Screens |
3 | APPL | PQ46VW02 | Option Explorer |
4 | APPL | PQ46VW03 | Selection Explorer |
5 | APPL | PQ46VW04 | Versions |
6 | APPL | PQ46VW05 | Taskviews |
7 | APPLVER | PQ46VW00|ZQ460001 | Version Workbench |
8 | APPLVER | PQ46VW02|ZQ460001 | Option Explorer |
9 | APPLVER | PQ46VW03|ZQ460001 | Selection Explorer |
10 | APPLVER | PQ46VW05|ZQ460001 | Taskviews |
11 | BL | CQ46VW00 | C Functions |
12 | BL | CQ46VW01 | NER Functions |
13 | BSFN | BQ46VW00 | General Functions |
14 | BSFN | BQ46VW01 | Data Selection Functions |
15 | BSFN | BQ46VW02 | Processing Option Functions |
16 | BSFN | BQ46VW03 | String Functions |
17 | BSFN | BQ46VW04 | Taskview Functions |
18 | BSFN | NQ46VW00 | General Functions |
19 | BSFN | NQ46VW01 | Data Selection Functions |
20 | BSFN | NQ46VW02 | Processing Option Functions |
21 | BSFN | NQ46VW03 | OMW Functions |
22 | BSFN | NQ46VW04 | Taskview Functions |
23 | BSVW | VQ46VWAA | F983051 Join F9860 |
24 | BSVW | VQ46VWAB | F98220 join F98222 |
25 | BSVW | VQ46VWAC | F98220 join F98221 |
26 | BSVW | VQ46VWAD | F00942 – All Columns |
27 | BSVW | VQ46VWAE | F0094 join F00941 |
28 | BSVW | VQ46VW03 | Task Master Orphanage |
29 | BSVW | VQ46VW04 | Version Copy Configuration Header |
30 | BSVW | VQ46VW05 | Version Copy Configuration Detail |
31 | BSVW | VQ46VW06 | Freezepoint Master |
32 | BSVW | VQ46VW08 | Processing Option Freezepoint |
33 | BSVW | VQ46VW09 | Compare Processing Option Freezepoints |
34 | BSVW | VQ46VW10 | Data Selection Freezepoint |
35 | BSVW | VQ46VW11 | Data Sequence Freezepoint |
36 | BSVW | VQ46VW12 | Compare Data Selection Freezepoints |
37 | BSVW | VQ46VW13 | Compare Data Sequence Freezepoints |
38 | BSVW | VQ46VW14 | Freezepoint Generation in Process |
39 | BSVW | VQ46VW18 | Project Versions Workfile |
40 | BSVW | VQ46VW19 | Task Relationship Orphanage |
41 | BSVW | VQ46VW90 | Version Workbench Logging |
42 | BSVW | VQ46VW92 | Version Workbench Logging Detail |
43 | BSVW | VQ46VW93 | Development Configuration |
44 | DD | HQ46VWVL | F983051 Handle |
45 | DD | HQ46VW08 | FQ46VW08 Handle |
46 | DD | HQ46VW09 | FQ46VW09 Handle |
47 | DD | HQ46VW10 | FQ46VW10 Handle |
48 | DD | HQ46VW11 | FQ46VW11 Handle |
49 | DD | HQ46VW12 | FQ46VW12 Handle |
50 | DD | HQ46VW13 | FQ46VW13 Handle |
51 | DD | HQ46VW15 | FQ46VW15 Handle |
52 | DD | HQ46VW16 | FQ46VW16 Handle |
53 | DD | HQ46VW19 | FQ46VW19 Handle |
54 | DD | Q46VWCCL | CompDS Column Left |
55 | DD | Q46VWCCR | CompDS Column Right |
56 | DD | Q46VWCCT | CompDS Column Type |
57 | DD | Q46VWCDF | Clause Value Difference Flag |
58 | DD | Q46VWCDI | CompData Item |
59 | DD | Q46VWCDU | CompDate Updated |
60 | DD | Q46VWCEV | CompEnvironment Name |
61 | DD | Q46VWCF | Created Flag |
62 | DD | Q46VWCFP | CompFreezepoint |
63 | DD | Q46VWCL | CompDS Literal |
64 | DD | Q46VWCLB | CmpLevel Break |
65 | DD | Q46VWCO | CompDS Operator |
66 | DD | Q46VWCOT | CompProcessing Option Text |
67 | DD | Q46VWCOV | CompProcessing Option Value |
68 | DD | Q46VWCPB | CmpPage Break |
69 | DD | Q46VWCR | Compare Result |
70 | DD | Q46VWCRF | Child Relation Found |
71 | DD | Q46VWCS | CompOpen Query Statement |
72 | DD | Q46VWCSO | CmpSort Order |
73 | DD | Q46VWCSQ | CompDS Sequence |
74 | DD | Q46VWCTL | CompDS Table Left |
75 | DD | Q46VWCTR | CompDS Table Right |
76 | DD | Q46VWCTT | CompProcessing Option Tab Text |
77 | DD | Q46VWCTU | CompTime Last Updated |
78 | DD | Q46VWCVD | Compare Version Title |
79 | DD | Q46VWCWO | CompDS WAO |
80 | DD | Q46VWDDF | Version Description Difference Flag |
81 | DD | Q46VWFP | Freezepoint |
82 | DD | Q46VWFPT | Freezepoint Type |
83 | DD | Q46VWIDF | Item Difference Flag |
84 | DD | Q46VWIEO | Include Exclude Objects |
85 | DD | Q46VWIEV | Include Exclude Versions |
86 | DD | Q46VWLK | License Key |
87 | DD | Q46VWOD | Processing Option Description |
88 | DD | Q46VWODF | Option Text Difference Flag |
89 | DD | Q46VWOT | Processing Option Text |
90 | DD | Q46VWOTT | Processing Option Tab Text |
91 | DD | Q46VWOV | Processing Option Value |
92 | DD | Q46VWPRF | Parent Relation Found |
93 | DD | Q46VWQDF | Sequence Operand Difference Flag |
94 | DD | Q46VWSCL | DS Column Left |
95 | DD | Q46VWSCR | DS Column Right |
96 | DD | Q46VWSCT | DS Column Type |
97 | DD | Q46VWSDF | Clause Specification Difference Flag |
98 | DD | Q46VWSEV | Source Environment |
99 | DD | Q46VWSF | Security |
100 | DD | Q46VWSL | DS Literal |
101 | DD | Q46VWSLB | Level Break |
102 | DD | Q46VWSO | DS Operator |
103 | DD | Q46VWSPB | Page Break |
104 | DD | Q46VWSPF | Data Selection Protected Flag |
105 | DD | Q46VWSSO | Sort Order |
106 | DD | Q46VWSSQ | DS Sequence |
107 | DD | Q46VWSTL | DS Table Left |
108 | DD | Q46VWSTR | DS Table Right |
109 | DD | Q46VWSWO | DS WAO |
110 | DD | Q46VWTDF | Tab Text Difference Flag |
111 | DD | Q46VWTEV | Target Environment |
112 | DD | Q46VWTGD | Taskview Generation Description |
113 | DD | Q46VWTGR | Taskview Generation Reference |
114 | DD | Q46VWTIS | Task ID Sequence |
115 | DD | Q46VWTOV | Type Of Versions |
116 | DD | Q46VWTT | Task Type |
117 | DD | Q46VWTV | Target Version |
118 | DD | Q46VWTVD | Target Version Description |
119 | DD | Q46VWVCC | Version Copy Configuration |
120 | DD | Q46VWVDF | Option Value Difference Flag |
121 | DD | Q46VW00A | OMW Project is mandatory |
122 | DD | Q46VW00B | Invalid Literal Format |
123 | DD | Q46VW00C | Error during Project Checkout or Add |
124 | DD | Q46VW00D | Invalid Dictionary Value |
125 | DD | Q46VW01A | Compare FP is same as loaded FP |
126 | DD | Q46VW01B | OMW Project successfully created |
127 | DD | Q46VW01C | Compare Freezepoint is not available |
128 | DD | Q46VW01D | Error adding versions to Project |
129 | DD | Q46VW02A | Invalid Freezepoint name |
130 | DD | Q46VW02B | Invalid Compare Base |
131 | DD | Q46VW03A | Reserved Freezepoint Prefix |
132 | DD | Q46VW04A | New version name too long |
133 | DD | Q46VW04B | Version is secured |
134 | DD | Q46VW04C | Token not available |
135 | DD | Q46VW04D | Application without Processing Options |
136 | DD | Q46VW04E | Version not available |
137 | DD | Q46VW04F | Error deleting version |
138 | DD | Q46VW04G | Error removing version |
139 | DD | Q46VW05A | Different version prefix length |
140 | DD | Q46VW05B | Invalid display sequence |
141 | DD | Q46VW05C | No importfile selected |
142 | DD | Q46VW05D | Invalid importfile format |
143 | DD | Q46VW05E | Non unique Task Name |
144 | DSTR | DQ46VW00A | Close Scoping Cache |
145 | DSTR | DQ46VW00AA | Write FQ46VW05 Cache |
146 | DSTR | DQ46VW00AB | Close FQ46VW05 Cache |
147 | DSTR | DQ46VW00C | Version Workbench Validation |
148 | DSTR | DQ46VW00D | Check Standalone |
149 | DSTR | DQ46VW00E | Write Scoping Cache |
150 | DSTR | DQ46VW00F | Read Scoping Cache |
151 | DSTR | DQ46VW00G | Delete Scoping Cache |
152 | DSTR | DQ46VW00H | Validate Get Import Freezepoint |
153 | DSTR | DQ46VW00I | Validate Filesystem Path |
154 | DSTR | DQ46VW00J | Launch RQ46VW54 |
155 | DSTR | DQ46VW00K | Move Or Copy Flatfile |
156 | DSTR | DQ46VW00L | Launch RQ46VW55 |
157 | DSTR | DQ46VW00N | Launch RQ46VW52 |
158 | DSTR | DQ46VW00O | Launch RQ46VW51 |
159 | DSTR | DQ46VW00P | Check Version Workbench Setup |
160 | DSTR | DQ46VW00Q | Browse Filesystem For Path And File |
161 | DSTR | DQ46VW00R | Get VW Release Levels |
162 | DSTR | DQ46VW00S | Set VW Release Spec Level |
163 | DSTR | DQ46VW00T | Launch RQ46VW50 |
164 | DSTR | DQ46VW00U | Put String Value On Clipboard |
165 | DSTR | DQ46VW00V | Build Project Versions Workfile |
166 | DSTR | DQ46VW00W | Copy Versions |
167 | DSTR | DQ46VW00X | Get VW Object Next Number |
168 | DSTR | DQ46VW00Y | Write VW Logging |
169 | DSTR | DQ46VW00Z | Write VW PrePost Logging |
170 | DSTR | DQ46VW01A | Create Data Selection Freezepoint – Version |
171 | DSTR | DQ46VW01B | Format Data Selection Line |
172 | DSTR | DQ46VW01C | Create Compare Data Selection Freezepoints |
173 | DSTR | DQ46VW01D | Get UBE Main Section Id |
174 | DSTR | DQ46VW01E | Get Report Variable Description |
175 | DSTR | DQ46VW01F | Create Compare Data Sequence Freezepoints |
176 | DSTR | DQ46VW01G | Format Data Sequence Line |
177 | DSTR | DQ46VW01H | Get UBE Section Business View |
178 | DSTR | DQ46VW01I | Get Business View Columns |
179 | DSTR | DQ46VW01J | Get Report Interconnect Members |
180 | DSTR | DQ46VW01K | Get UBE Processing Option Template |
181 | DSTR | DQ46VW01L | Do Data Selection Spec Update |
182 | DSTR | DQ46VW01N | Launch RQ46VW59 |
183 | DSTR | DQ46VW01O | Check Data Selection Existence |
184 | DSTR | DQ46VW01P | Update DS Spec |
185 | DSTR | DQ46VW01Q | Validate DS Literal |
186 | DSTR | DQ46VW01R | Get UBE Version Jobqueue |
187 | DSTR | DQ46VW01S | Set UBE Version Jobqueue |
188 | DSTR | DQ46VW01T | Export DS Freezepoint |
189 | DSTR | DQ46VW01U | Validate DS Import File |
190 | DSTR | DQ46VW01V | Import DS Freezepoint |
191 | DSTR | DQ46VW02A | Get PO Value or Create Freezepoint |
192 | DSTR | DQ46VW02B | Check PO Template |
193 | DSTR | DQ46VW02C | Create Compare Processing Option Freezepoints |
194 | DSTR | DQ46VW02D | Export PO Freezepoint |
195 | DSTR | DQ46VW02E | Update PO Value |
196 | DSTR | DQ46VW02F | Get PO By Description |
197 | DSTR | DQ46VW02G | Validate PO Import File |
198 | DSTR | DQ46VW02H | Import PO Freezepoint |
199 | DSTR | DQ46VW02I | Format Processing Option Line |
200 | DSTR | DQ46VW03A | Append Carriage Return |
201 | DSTR | DQ46VW03B | Remove Or Replace Character From String |
202 | DSTR | DQ46VW03C | Get Character Position In String |
203 | DSTR | DQ46VW03D | Append Tab To String |
204 | DSTR | DQ46VW03E | Convert String Date According Formats |
205 | DSTR | DQ46VW03F | Find And Replace Wildcarded |
206 | DSTR | DQ46VW03G | Create New OMW Project |
207 | DSTR | DQ46VW03H | Add or Checkout Object to OMW Project |
208 | DSTR | DQ46VW03I | Get OMW Checkout Status |
209 | DSTR | DQ46VW03J | Form Interconnect Visual Assist by DD |
210 | DSTR | DQ46VW03K | Copy OMW Object |
211 | DSTR | DQ46VW04A | Copy Taskview |
212 | DSTR | DQ46VW04B | Export Taskview |
213 | DSTR | DQ46VW04C | Validate Taskview Import File |
214 | DSTR | DQ46VW04D | Import Taskview |
215 | DSTR | DQ46VW04E | Build Taskview Versions Workfile |
216 | DSTR | DQ46VW04F | Create Next Task ID |
217 | DSTR | DQ46VW04G | Update Relationship Parent |
218 | DSTR | DQ46VW04H | Taskview To Project |
219 | DSTR | DQ46VW04I | Get Task ID Next Sequence |
220 | DSTR | DQ46VW04J | Write Interactive TV Trace Cache |
221 | DSTR | DQ46VW04K | Close Interactive TV Trace Cache |
222 | DSTR | DQ46VW04L | Copy Task And Translations |
223 | DSTR | DQ46VW04M | Process Interactive TV Trace Cache |
224 | DSTR | DQ46VW04N | Update Taskview Generation Audit |
225 | DSTR | DQ46VW04O | Generate Task Master Orphanage |
226 | DSTR | DQ46VW04P | Generate Task Relation Orphanage |
227 | DSTR | TQ46VW00 | Version Workbench |
228 | DSTR | TQ46VW02 | Option Explorer |
229 | DSTR | TQ46VW03 | Selection Explorer |
230 | DSTR | TQ46VW05 | Taskviews |
231 | DSTR | TQ46VW51 | Restore PO Freezepoint |
232 | TBLE | FQ46VW01 | Taskview Versions Workfile |
233 | TBLE | FQ46VW02 | Task ID Sequence Numbering |
234 | TBLE | FQ46VW03 | Task Master Orphanage |
235 | TBLE | FQ46VW04 | Version Copy Configuration Header |
236 | TBLE | FQ46VW05 | Version Copy Configuration Detail |
237 | TBLE | FQ46VW06 | Freezepoint Master |
238 | TBLE | FQ46VW07 | Freezepoint Detail |
239 | TBLE | FQ46VW08 | Processing Option Freezepoint |
240 | TBLE | FQ46VW09 | Compare Processing Option Freezepoints |
241 | TBLE | FQ46VW10 | Data Selection Freezepoint |
242 | TBLE | FQ46VW11 | Data Sequence Freezepoint |
243 | TBLE | FQ46VW12 | Compare Data Selection Freezepoints |
244 | TBLE | FQ46VW13 | Compare Data Sequence Freezepoints |
245 | TBLE | FQ46VW14 | Freezepoint Generation in Process |
246 | TBLE | FQ46VW15 | Freezepoint Generation Scope – Versions |
247 | TBLE | FQ46VW16 | Freezepoint Generation Scope – Objects |
248 | TBLE | FQ46VW17 | Freezepoint Generation Scope |
249 | TBLE | FQ46VW18 | Project Versions Workfile |
250 | TBLE | FQ46VW19 | Task Relationship Orphanage |
251 | TBLE | FQ46VW20 | Taskview Generation Loopback Workfile |
252 | TBLE | FQ46VW90 | Version Workbench Logging |
253 | TBLE | FQ46VW91 | Version Workbench Next Numbering |
254 | TBLE | FQ46VW92 | Version Workbench Logging Detail |
255 | TBLE | FQ46VW93 | Development Configuration |
256 | TBLE | FQ46VW99 | Version Workbench Validation (32 bits version only) |
257 | UBE | RQ46VW50 | Generate Freezepoint |
258 | UBE | RQ46VW51 | Restore PO Freezepoint |
259 | UBE | RQ46VW52 | Freezepoint Copy |
260 | UBE | RQ46VW53 | Processing Option Freezepoint |
261 | UBE | RQ46VW54 | Export Freezepoint |
262 | UBE | RQ46VW55 | Import Freezepoint |
263 | UBE | RQ46VW56 | Compare PO Freezepoints |
264 | UBE | RQ46VW57 | Data Selection Freezepoint |
265 | UBE | RQ46VW58 | Data Sequence Freezepoint |
266 | UBE | RQ46VW59 | Generate Compare Freezepoints |
267 | UBE | RQ46VW60 | Compare DS Freezepoints |
268 | UBE | RQ46VW61 | Compare DQ Freezepoints |
269 | UBEVER | RQ46VW50|ZQ460001 | Generate Freezepoint |
270 | UBEVER | RQ46VW51|ZQ460001 | Restore PO Freezepoint – Proof |
271 | UBEVER | RQ46VW51|ZQ460002 | Restore PO Freezepoint – Final |
272 | UBEVER | RQ46VW52|ZQ460001 | Freezepoint Copy |
273 | UBEVER | RQ46VW53|ZQ460001 | Processing Option Freezepoint |
274 | UBEVER | RQ46VW54|ZQ460001 | Export Freezepoint |
275 | UBEVER | RQ46VW55|ZQ460001 | Import Freezepoint |
276 | UBEVER | RQ46VW56|ZQ460001 | Compare PO Freezepoints |
277 | UBEVER | RQ46VW57|ZQ460001 | Data Selection Freezepoint |
278 | UBEVER | RQ46VW58|ZQ460001 | Data Sequence Freezepoint |
279 | UBEVER | RQ46VW59|ZQ460001 | Generate Compare Freezepoints |
280 | UBEVER | RQ46VW60|ZQ460001 | Compare DS Freezepoints |
281 | UBEVER | RQ46VW61|ZQ460001 | Compare DQ Freezepoints |
282 | UDC | Q46|00 | Freezepoint Type |
283 | UDC | Q46|01 | Operator |
284 | UDC | Q46|02 | Where, And Or |
285 | UDC | Q46|03 | Column Type |
286 | UDC | Q46|04 | Task Type |